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The #1 Web wallet for Taproot Assets Protocol

Experience Tiramisu: Your Gateway to Taproot Assets

Unlock the Future of Crypto with Our Web Wallet & Exchange. Mint, Trade, Hold, and Explore Altcoins and NFTs on Bitcoin's Layer 2. Test Your TAPD Node.

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Our Mission

User friendly Exchange / Wallet for Taproot Assets Protocol


Taproot Assets Protocol is an on-chain protocol that allows for the minting of alternative currencies, stablecoins and collectibles/NFT to be recorded on the Bitcoin blockchain.

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Taproot Assets protocol leverages Schnorr signatures and Merkle trees to represent digital assets and it relies both on Bitcoin base layer and well as L2 lightning layer.

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Tiramisu Wallet gives users a web interface to interract with Taproot Assets Protocol Deamon (tapd) running on Bitcoin testnet without the need for you to operate a Lightning node.

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Tiramisu Wallet is still in Alpha

Why choose us

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Main benefit while handling buyer objections # 1


Main benefit while handling buyer objections # 2


Main benefit while handling buyer objections # 3